Natural Skin Care


Simple home-made skin recipe that will NOT miraculously make your skin better, but will help cleanse your skin and soften it. 


A pinch of turmeric, multani mitti (Fuller’s earth), Sandalwood powder, Honey, Lemon juice and Rosewater is what I used to prepare this concoction. 

Fuller’s Earth

Also called multani mitti, or “mud from Multan,” which comes from the history of mineral-rich clay in the city in Pakistan. It’s known to remove dead skin cells, dirt, and excess oil. I soaked a teaspoon of multani mitti in kama Ayurveda’s rose water to soften it. If you have never used Fuller’s earth before, I would suggest you do a patch test – it can be drying and can cause allergy. Make sure it also doesn’t enter your eyes or your mouth.


Sandalwood Powder

Known as chandan in Sanskrit, a paste made by grinding the heartwood of the tree is integral to Hindu rituals and ceremonies as well as an innate part of meditation and prayer. Sandalwood has been found to have a myriad of different pharmacological effects including anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and anti-preoperative properties. Sandalwood is anti-bacterial in nature which helps fight acne-causing bacteria; it exfoliates the skin and also helps in sunburn. 



Do I even need to list out its benefits? Before the west was obsessed with turmeric lattes, turmeric teas, turmeric cookies, and turmeric shakes and turned turmeric into a health fad, Indians were already using it for centuries as the elemental spice. Curcumin is a compound isolated from turmeric has been credited as a low-cost, well-tolerated, effective agent in the treatment of many skin diseases. 



Rich in antioxidants & flavonoids, honey’s ability to aid in skin healing has been widely researched and documented in many scientific publications. Its anti-bacterial properties not only makes it good for skin but also help skin fight acne-causing bacteria, it helps in gentle exfoliation of the skin and also helps hydrate the skin. 



Lemons are an excellent source of calcium, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium; all of which help improve the appearance and condition of our skin, hair, and nails. Lemons provide free radical fighting antioxidant vitamin C, which helps keep skin even-toned and also helps boost the body’s immune system. Packed with vitamin C, lemons are also anti-bacterial and help fight the acne-causing bacteria. 


Mix all of these ingredients and form a paste, spread a thin layer over your face and wash it off by gently exfoliating it with lukewarm water in 15-20 minutes. I don’t use any face wash after removing the face pack, the pack in itself leaves my skin very clean. After patting my face dry, I use a moisturizer and gently massage my face with it. I have been using multani mitti and sandalwood powder for decades now, and they don’t cause any breakout or rashes or itching on my skin. If you haven’t ever tried any of these products, do a patch test before applying it on your face. I picked up the habit of using multani mitti from my grandmother; she was a pahadi women to the bone with her peculiar traits who believed in the simplicity of life. 

When it comes to face packs, I always lean towards the homemade DIY face masks. I find all the do-it-yourself face masks with natural ingredients to be much more soothing and relaxing than the market ones. I hope this chemical-free skincare helps you as much as it as helped me over the years. 

I will post more about the ex-pat life in Muscat, food, and culture in Oman once the coronavirus lockdown period is over and I get to explore the peaceful city of Muscat more. 

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Nonitha Yalamanchili
Nonitha Yalamanchili
4 years ago

Nice post will try it.

4 years ago

Nice explanation for each ingredient used… multani mitti usually dries up my skin (i use it either with water or rose water). Per your recipe, maybe honey would balance that out… will try it out, now that we have plenty of time in hand 😊🤷‍♀️

4 years ago
Reply to  priti

Great..thanks. and yes totally agree with the homemade remedies/products than the store bought ones..

Vijay Kumar
Vijay Kumar
4 years ago

Very simple and very good solution

Nerupama Fernandes
Nerupama Fernandes
4 years ago

Hi priti, really love the way you are explaining and giving details about each natural beauty ingredient. Even I believe in using what God has blest us with rather than using chemical products.
Thanks ! Very useful.